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Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers

When a modifier is not close enough to the word(s) it refers to, it is said to be misplaced.  A misplaced modifier can be a single word or a group of words in the wrong place; eg., Sue almost answered every question (misplaced modifier).  Sue answered almost every question (correctly placed modifier).  Scratching each other playfully, we watched the monkeys in the zoo (misplaced modifier). We watched the monkeys in the zoo as they scratched each other playfully (correctly placed modifier).


A dangling modifier occurs when there is no appropriate word in the sentence for the modifier to apply to; eg., Trying desperately to finish the assignment, the construction noises outside made it impossible to concentrate (dangling modifier). Trying desperately to finish the assignment, I found the construction noises outside made it impossible for me to concentrate (correctly placed modifier).


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