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Exercise 18

In the following exercise, choose from the following:


(a) sentence lacks parallelism

(b) sentence has good parallel structure


1. To lick one’s fingers and picking one’s teeth in an up-scale restaurant is bound to attract criticism and perhaps even being invited to leave.

(a) sentence lacks parallelism

(b) sentence has good parallel structure

(a) lacks parallelism


2. I’d like to help, but I’m too busy, too selfish, and too egotistical.

(a) sentence lacks parallelism

(b) sentence has good parallel structure

(b) good parallel structure


3. Samantha Edwards does not sing publicly, nor does she share her music.

(a) sentence lacks parallelism

(b) sentence has good parallel structure

(b) good parallel structure


4. Lowering its profit margin, prices will be raised, and five management layoffs will enable the company to meet its budget.

(a) sentence lacks parallelism

(b) sentence has good parallel structure

(a) lacks parallelism


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