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Introduction | How to Use this Handbook


Congratulations on being admitted to Royal Roads University.

You will be entering a high energy, intense learning community. The compressed nature of our program requires efficient time management, exceptional teamwork and interpersonal abilities, as well as a high degree of technical skills.

The B.Sc. program at Royal Roads University is competency based. Simply put, that means we will tell you what we expect, facilitate improvement and measure your performance. You will not be allowed to graduate from Royal Roads until you have met all our competency requirements.


In order to ease your transition into a learning environment that is somewhat different from what you may have experienced, we have prepared two additional components to the Core Program. The first is this pre-entry workbook, designed to refresh and hone your skills in Math, Biology, Chemistry and Writing and to give us some information regarding your abilities. It is critical that you review the material in the various sections of the workbook, especially if it has been some time since you were last in school. Be sure to allow yourself several weeks to slowly work through the material.


Secondly, we have designed a Foundations program. This consists of campus orientation, computer training, learning resource research training, and customized components based on the pre-entry workbook results. During the Foundations program we will assess your knowledge of Math, Biology, Chemistry and English and provide tutorials on problem areas.


