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Exercise 2

Choose the best answer.


1. This month’s sales figures are better than last _____________ .

(a) month

(b) month’s

(c) months

(d) months’

(b) month’s


2. All _____________ claims will be honoured.

(a) creditors

(b) creditor’s

(c) creditors’

(c) creditors’


3. A few ______________stations were eliminated.

(a) waitresses

(b) waitress’s

(c) waitresses’

(d) waitress’

(c) waitresses’


4. The _______________ cat has gained weight.

(a) Horowitzes

(b) Horowitzes’

(c) Horowitz’

(b) Horowitzes’


5. The ________________ limousine passed us on the highway.

(a) King and Queen’s

(b) King’s and Queen’s

(c) Kings and Queens

(a) King and Queen’s

6. ___________ member countries include France and Canada.

(a) NATOs

(b) NATO’s

(c) NATOs’

(b) NATO’s

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