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Table of Contents | Workbook: Key Concepts & Exercises

Key Concepts:
Part 2: Cell and System Biology

Following completion of this assignment, the student should be able to:

  • Name the basic organelles which make up a eukaryotic cell, and describe their function.
  • Describe the biochemistry of photosynthesis, including light and dark reactions.
  • Name the stages of mitosis, and describe the events which take place at each stage.
  • Name the stages of meiosis, and describe the events which occur at each stage.
  • Describe the process of gametogenesis for male and female animals.
  • Describe how a neuron works and how messages are passed from one neuron to another.
  • Describe antigen-antibody reactions.
  • Describe the function of cellular and humoral immunity.
  • Differentiate between peptide and steroid hormones.
  • Discuss how hormones work, and the role of various endocrine organs in the functioning of a healthy body.

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