Below is a list of frequently misspelled words, as well as words that are commonly confused. Consulting a dictionary will help to eliminate problems with these words.
accept, except advice, advise affect, effect a lot, allot amount, number are, our assure, ensure, insure choose, chose cite, sight, site coarse, course complement, compliment conscience, conscious their, there, they're too, two, to weather, whether, wether |
consul, council, counsel continual, continuous credible, credulous, creditable desert, dessert dining, dinning disburse, disperse does, dose farther, further faze, phase fewer, less forth, fourth hear, here were, where, we’re who’s, whose |
imply, infer it’s, its later, latter loose, lose miner, minor moral, morale peace, piece personal, personnel principal, principle quiet, quite stationary, stationery than, then woman. women you’re, your