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Exercise 9

Choose the best answer


1. The time passed _______________ than they expected.

(a)  quicker

(b)  more quickly

(b) more quickly


2. We offer a ____________ guarantee.

(a)  money back

(b)  money-back

(b)  money-back


3. After the job interview, Zak looked _____________.

(a)  calm

(b)  calmly

(a)  calm


4. Please bring me ________________.

(a)  a glass of cold water.

(b)  a cold glass of water.

(a) a glass of cold water.


5. Which is the __________ reliable of the two photocopiers?

(a)  more

(b)  most

(a)  more


6. Of all the photocopiers we tested, this one is the __________ reliable.

(a)  more

(b)  most

(b)  most


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