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Exercise 5

Choose the best answer.


1. A list of new recruits _______ sent to the officer in charge.

(a) were

(b) was

(b) was


2. Kew, Merlote, and Hove, Inc., ________ filed for bankruptcy.

(a) has

(b) have

(a) has


3. There ______ an electrician and two mechanics waiting for you at the work site.

(a) is

(b) are

(b) are


4. Neither the minutes nor the agenda for the meeting _____________ typed.

(a) has been

(b) have been

(a) has been


5. Either of the departure times _________ my schedule.

(a) suits

(b) suit

(a) suits


6. Bankruptcy statutes _________ that a failing company disclose its financial situation to creditors.

(a) requires

(b) require

(b) require

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