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Exercise 4

Choose the best answer.


1. On his return from Europe, Mr. Blake, along with many other passengers, had to open _______ luggage for inspection.

(a) her

(b) his

(c) their

(b) his


2. Either Frank or James will have _______ paper reviewed by the tutor.

(a) her

(b) his

(c) their

(b) his


3. Both the report and ______ appendix are lost.

(a) it’s

(b) its

(b) its


4. Any woman who becomes a member of the tennis club will have ______ name listed in the directory.

(a) her

(b) their

(a) her


5. Everybody must complete ______ assignments.

(a) their

(b) his

(c) her

(d) his and her

(d) his and her


6. Jones and Thompson, Inc., is verifying _____ findings.

(a) its

(b) it’s

(c) their

(d) his

(a) its

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