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Exercise 3

Choose the best answer.


1. Mrs. Samms and __________ will be visiting all personnel in their offices this week.

(a) me

(b) I

(c) myself

(b) I


2. Just between you and _______, that dress will be half price by the end of the week.

(a) me

(b) I

(c) myself

(a) me


3. Give the tickets to ___________ ordered them.

(a) whoever

(b) whomever

(a) whoever


4. ________ hair stylists are bargaining for higher wages.

(a) We

(b) Us

(a) We


5. Much preparation for the party was made by Mrs. Lee and ______ before the invitations were sent out.

(a) I

(b) me

(c) myself

(b) me


6. Jill promised she would telephone; was it _______ who left the message?

(a) she

(b) her

(c) herself

(a) she

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