Page 15 - RRU Student Handbook
P. 15

making a decision, the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services shall provide the student an opportunity to be heard in connection with the allegations against them.
4.1 ThevicePresident,AcademicandProvostmayappointanalternate
to the Coordinator, Student Services, or the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services, if deemed that either has a con ict of interest in any complaint.
5.0 ExceptwherethedecisionoftheAssociatevicePresident,Academicand Student Services is to recommend suspension or expulsion of the student, the student shall have the right to appeal a decision of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services to the Review Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities which will consider the matter and which may meet with the student.
5.1 The Review Committee will be comprised of one student at the same academic level (i.e. undergraduate or graduate) from a program other than that in which the student is enrolled, a core faculty member from the Faculty in which the student is not enrolled, and sta  member who is not a member of the Faculty. Members will be appointed by the vice President, Academic and Provost. The members will select a chair by majority vote.
5.2 The Review Committee shall determine its own procedure, having regard to its duty to act fairly toward the student. Students have the right to an opportunity to be heard in connection with the allegations against them. The Review Committee will determine whether it will hear from the student in person, in writing, or by some other means.
5.3 if the Review Committee decides to meet with the student, the Review Committee will make a reasonable e ort to notify the student in writing of
the meeting no less than  ve business days before the meeting; a reasonable attempt will be made to arrange the meeting at the convenience of the student.
5.4 Onanappeal,theReviewCommitteeshallhavethepowertodenytheappeal, to allow the appeal and to set aside the decision of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services, or to vary the decision of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services, including substitution of any penalty imposed by the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services. The Review Committee may impose a penalty greater or lesser than that imposed
by the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services, and has the power to recommend the suspension or expulsion of the student.
5.5 DecisionsoftheReviewCommitteeshallbe nalandnotsubject to further appeal.
6.0 iftheAssociatevicePresident,AcademicandStudentServicesor
the Review Committee recommends to the President that the student be suspended or expelled, the President shall, prior to making a decision to suspend or expel the student, provide the student an opportunity to be heard. The President shall determine whether to hear from the student in person, in writing or by some other means.
7.0 The student may appeal the decision of the President to suspend or expel the student. if the student wishes to appeal that decision, he or she must submit a notice of appeal to the Secretary of the board of Governors within  ve working days of receipt of the decision of the President. The appeal shall be considered by the board of Governors Appeals Committee, the decision of which is  nal
and binding.
8.0 notwithstanding anything in this Policy, the President, on the recommendation of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services or the vice President, Academic and Provost, may summarily temporarily suspend a student, suspend a student’s online or academic privileges, or bar the student from access to campus if, in the judgment of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services or the vice President, Academic and Provost, the safety or personal well-being of others or of University property is threatened
or if the student has been charged with a legal o ence such that in the judgment of the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services or the vice President, Academic and Provost it renders their continued participation in their program inadvisable pending the disposition of such charges. in such circumstances, the student will be provided the opportunity to request
a review by the President of such suspension, at which review the student will be provided an opportunity to be heard.
This process re ects updates as of July 2011.
Contact Information:
Phone Toll Free Web
250-391-2600 ext 4760 1-800-788-8028
Tuition Refund Policy
A student may withdraw from a course or a program in progress
by notifying the Registrar’s O ce in writing. The date of the withdrawal is the date the written noti cation is received.
A portion of the tuition paid may be refunded if a student withdraws from a course (for part-time students) or a program (for full-time students) prior to completion. The minimum amount retained
in any case for each term or quarter is the amount equivalent
to the tuition deposit. Please note that all programs and certi cates are not necessarily subject to the above refund calculation. The Tuition Refund Policy can be found on MyRRU: policies-guidelines/academic-regulations-policies if you have any questions regarding the refund of tuition or fees, please contact Financial Services.
Sustainability initiatives at RRU
Environmental sustainability is a key principle at Royal Roads University. We teach it, we research it, and we model it.
Ways to get involved with Sustainability at RRU:
bike, walk, ride the bus, carpool, join Jack bell Rideshare – reduce your carbon footprint!
Compost all organic material, including meat, soiled paper, paper plates, disposable co ee cups, pizza boxes, paper towel. Contribute to energy and water conservation by switching
o  lights, turning down the heat and turning o  taps after use. bring your own reusable drink container!
Recycle paper, glass, plastic (#1-7), tin, tetra packs, batteries, styrofoam, ink cartridges and soft plastics (all collected
on campus).
incorporate Sustainability in your research and submit
your Sustainability Story to the Sustainability Website. Participate and volunteer in Community Green Events and Green Campus Events – Earth Day is April 22!
Contact Information:
Phone Toll Free Web
250-391-2600 ext 4852 1-800-788-8028

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