Page 14 - RRU Student Handbook
P. 14

policies anD RegUlations
This section identi es a few key policies that have been selected to help introduce you to RRU.
Academic Regulations
it is the responsibility of students to be familiar with and comply with the policies and procedures outlined in the Academic Calendar. Please pay special attention to the Academic Regulations which
can be found on the RRU Web: guidelines/academic-regulations-policies. For more information, please contact the Registrar’s o ce.
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with respect, to not intimidate, interfere with, threaten or otherwise obstruct any University activity, nor to hinder members of the University community
in the pursuit of their legitimate activities. Students have the responsibility not to engage in behaviour that a reasonable person should reasonably know is unsafe or inappropriate.
5.0 Students have the right to access University resources designated to help them plan and achieve their educational and career objectives upon payment of required fees.
6.0 Students have the responsibility to respect the right of others to use those same resources, and not to monopolize University resources to the exclusion of others.
7.0 Students have the right to use University facilities and resources designated for students and to enjoy the University campus.
8.0 Students have the responsibility to respect the natural and cultural attributes of the University campus and the responsibility to respect the hours of operation and limits on entry where such conditions exist, the prohibition of smoking in or near buildings, the prohibition on sleeping or living in tents or cars without permission, and the prohibition on the possession of weapons on campus.
9.0 Studentshavetherighttoanenvironmentthatisfreefrominterferenceand disruption, while enjoying the right to dissent, and the right to peaceful assembly.
10.0 StudentshavetheresponsibilitytorespecttherulesoftheUniversity, and the lawful directions of University personnel, including campus security, and the responsibility not to destroy, tamper with, deface or vandalize, unlawfully access or remove or possess property that is not their own. Students have the responsibility to comply with the University’s rules on consumption of alcohol. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited on campus except in licensed premises or individual residence rooms.
The following process is intended to apply where there is reason
to believe that there may have been a violation of this Policy.
The University reserves the right in its discretion to modify the process as it determines may be appropriate in any particular instance.
1.0 if the University has reason to believe that a student may be in violation of this Policy, the University may initiate the processes set out below.
2.0 if a person wishes to register a complaint that a student has violated this Policy, that complaint should be submitted in writing to the Coordinator, Student Services as soon as possible. if the complaint involves a matter of University Life, the complaint will be sent to a university sta  member appointed by the vice President, Academic and Provost. normally complaints should be  led
within seven days. Anonymous complaints may not be investigated.
3.0 Whereappropriate,theCoordinator,StudentServiceswillworkto ndan informal resolution of the matter. if a resolution of the matter is found to the satisfaction of any complainant and the student that is consistent with the interests of the University, the matter will be closed. Written con rmation of closure of the matter may be requested by any party.
4.0 Should an informal resolution not be found, the matter will be referred
to the Associate vice President, Academic and Student Services who shall make such inquiries as are necessary to determine whether a violation of this Policy has occurred and to take, or to recommend the taking of, appropriate action in response. Such action may include one or more of the following:
a warning; required written apologies; required restitution; denial of access to speci c University facilities, services, or activities; restrictions on areas of access; a  ne; an undertaking to be of good behaviour; a probationary period; or a recommendation to the President for suspension or expulsion. Prior to
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Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the educational mandate of the University as an institution
of higher learning, and in accordance with generally accepted standards of behaviour and published University policies, procedures, and guidelines. in addition to enjoying the rights accorded them
by law, students have the right to free and open intellectual inquiry and to membership in the University community. Students
are responsible for making themselves aware of applicable laws and University policies, procedures, and guidelines that are available on the University website, and abiding by these.
This Policy applies to all students enrolled in the University, regardless of place of residence, and applies to behaviours or conduct occurring in both academic and non-academic settings and may be applied
to behaviours or conduct occurring on campus, o  campus or online if the rights of members of the University community to use and enjoy the University’s learning, living, or working environments are adversely a ected. Where an event impacts the University environment,
the University also reserves the right to enforce this Policy regardless of whether any legal proceedings are undertaken in any other forum or by any other party.
The following guidelines are intended to describe the general rights and responsibilities of students. These guidelines do not limit the powers of the President conferred by the Royal Roads University Act [RSbC 1996], nor do they preclude the University from publishing additional policies, procedures, and guidelines not described herein, which students must respect.
1.0 Students have the right to engage in free and open intellectual inquiry. 2.0 Students have the responsibility to adhere to academic and non-academic
regulations and abide by the University’s Policies.
3.0 Students have the right to a University community characterized by mutual respect and equal opportunity.
4.0 Students have the responsibility to treat all members of the University 12

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