Page 12 - RRU Student Handbook
P. 12

The Library has an extensive collection of print, media, and electronic resources to support the University’s unique programs, including over one hundred online databases and tens of thousands of ebooks. These electronic databases allow library services to be available to online students 24 hours a day.
The award-winning Library building was built in 1974 and dedicated to four members of the Royal naval College of Canada who were lost in action during the battle of Coronel in 1914. The building o ers wireless computer access, six bookable meeting rooms, and a silent study area.
Registrar’s O ce
The Registrar’s O ce is responsible for managing student academic records, establishing and ensuring compliance with academic regulations, and providing responsive services to students and academic program areas. These services include registering students into programs
and courses, maintaining grades and issuing o cial transcripts.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday Friday
8:00 am – 9:00 pm 8:00 am – 6:00 pm 10:00 am – 6:00 pm 10:00 am – 9:00 pm See website
Email Phone Toll Free Fax Web 250-391-2600 ext 4862 1-800-788-8028
250-391-2522 registrar/registrars-o ce
Hours are subject to change, please contact the Library for con rmed times.
Contact Information:
Research O ce
The O ce of Research supports and fosters
all research conducted by RRU students and faculty members. This o ce works with both students and faculty to help them understand and follow the Royal Roads Research Ethics Policy.
Most research conducted at RRU, whether by
a faculty member or a student (either for a major research paper or for a course assignment), requires an ethical review by the Royal Roads University Research Ethics board. The only situation in which a researcher would not be required
to complete an ethical review is one where
all of the information gathered in the research comes from publicly available publications, rather than from humans. Failure to comply
with the requirements of the Research Ethics Policy will normally result in a student not being academically eligible to graduate.
if you are enrolled in a program which requires you to complete a research project, you will receive information about working with the O ce
of Research from your program area.
For funding opportunities to support student research grants, see: student-services/ nancial-aid-awards
For opportunities to work with faculty members on faculty research, see research job postings:
and for further information on faculty research, see:
Email Phone Toll Free Web
re 250-391-2575 1-800-788-8028
The University does not have an Ombudsperson, but individuals with concerns that have not been addressed after attempted resolution,
or individuals who are uncomfortable approaching those directly involved with their concerns,
may contact the Coordinator, Student Services. Dranna Andrews-brown, the Coordinator, Student Services, can help students understand University administrative channels, processes and procedures, and is charged with the responsibility to investigate student issues and make recommendations to support student success and satisfaction.
Contact Information:
Email Phone Toll Free Web 250-391-2600 ext. 4760 1-800-788-8028 student-services/ombuds-services
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday Saturday – Sunday Holidays
8:30 am – 4:30 pm Closed
Contact Information:
"It's imperative that you get involved outside of the classroom. Meeting new people, trying your hand at new challenges and building your experience not only makes your year positive, but it enhances overall student life as well. Join a club or committee or just volunteer your time.
The biggest learning experiences during my time at RRU weren't directly from a lecture
or a reading, but were a combination of study, volunteering and getting involved with the student body. Test your limits and see how much you can learn and experience by connecting with others and giving of yourself."
lindsey poepping, Bachelor of professional communication ‘10

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