Page 9 - RRU Student Handbook
P. 9

stUDent seRvices
Aboriginal Relations
The o ce of Aboriginal Relations promotes an awareness
and appreciation of First nations culture. The Aboriginal Relations Coordinator assists with community programming, event planning, RRU policy development, and student advocacy.
it is also the mandate of the Aboriginal Relations Coordinator
to develop and strengthen relationships between RRU and local First nations communities, and to engage in the sharing of knowledge with other post-secondary institutions. Aboriginal Relations is located in the O ce of Research, Grant building, room 135.
Career Enhancement Services
Career enhancement services are available to both students and alumni, and are designed to help students advance in the modern workplace. The Career Enhancement Advisor helps individuals manage their career and maximize the potential from their RRU degree. Services focus
on career decisions, work search, and career management. The Career Enhancement Services o ce distributes job postings that are generated by students, alumni and friends of the University.
Career Enhancement Services is located in the Grant building, room 130, and services are also available via email and by phone.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Saturday – Sunday Closed
Holidays Closed
Contact Information:
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday Saturday – Sunday Holidays
8:30 am – 4:30 pm Closed
Contact Information:
Email Phone Toll Free Web 250-391-2600 ext. 4394
1-800-788-8028 aboriginal-relations
Email Phone Toll Free Web
1-800-788-8028 career-enhancement
Alumni Relations
As an RRU graduate, you are a member of an extraordinary group
of leaders and lifelong students. This membership entitles you to services and bene ts to enhance your career, help you stay connected and promote lifelong learning. Alumni Relations seeks to bring even more value to your RRU experience.
The most popular services we provide include online social networking opportunities to stay connected, frequently updated news and feature stories on the new alumni website that spotlight our amazing alumni members and their achievements, special discounts and events, as well as opportunities to be involved through an Alumni branch in your area.
Alumni Relations o ers more than just services for graduates.
We support our current students, our future alumni, through special events and programming.
Alumni Relations is located in the Grant building, room 130, and services are also available via email and by phone.
Counselling Services
Royal Roads currently has a contract with PPC Canada to provide free counselling services to all RRU students. PPC counsellors and advisors are fully quali ed professionals (registered psychologists, clinical counsellors and/or social workers, as well as addictions specialists) with several years of experience. They are recruited for their specialist expertise in occupational healthcare, psychology and counselling, social work,  nance and law. Our counsellors receive regular supervision/consultation, and ongoing professional development,
so you can be sure you are getting the very best help and advice.
Con dentiality is of the utmost importance and is maintained at all times, so that every e ort is taken to ensure client anonymity.
How do you make an appointment?
Appointments can be made via email or phone (see contact info below). Simply identify yourself as an RRU student.
Telephone and In-Person Counselling
Toll Free 1-800-663-9099
(strictly con dential service)
Vancouver Island Crisis Line
We are also able to refer students to the vancouver island Crisis Line, a 24-hour crisis support response service.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday Saturday – Sunday Holidays
8:30 am – 4:30 pm Closed
Contact Information:
Email Phone Toll Free Web 250-391-2600 ext. 4121 1-800-788-8028
Toll Free Web

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