Page 3 - RRU Student Handbook
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some of you have been in a classroom. For others, coming to Royal Roads may continue a learning path to enhance your education and gain new knowledge and skills
for the workplace.
Whatever the case, you’re investing your time, money, commitment and belief in us as a university that will help you realize your dreams. You want to ensure that your decision is the right one, that your experience will
be successful, and that you will have a supportive environment for achieving your learning goals.
 at’s what this handbook is all about. It not only explains the rights and responsibilities of RRU students – but outlines what you can expect from us in terms of university services and encouragement. We know that by engaging fully
in the rich experience of learning and campus life,
our students gain con dence, achieve academic success, build strong networks, and create lasting friendships.
 e Royal Roads community is dedicated to lifelong learning, innovative research, collaboration and knowledge sharing, and creating a sustainable future.  ese years
are exciting ones, as we plan new buildings on campus, new programs in emerging areas, and an outstanding experience for our students that strengthens our leadership as Canada’s university for working professionals.
We welcome your contribution to relevant and meaningful learning that will prepare you for tomorrow’s careers
and the challenges that shape our world. Your participation makes all the di erence.
Allan Cahoon
President and Vice-Chancellor
Congratulations on making one of the most important decisions of your career and life!
At Royal Roads University,
we know that returning to school or choosing a new program
of study requires a leap of faith. It may be many years since
MyRRU 2 Orientation Services 2 Campus 3 bank Machine 3 bookstore 3 Campus Chapel 3 Campus Food Services 3 Campus Learning Space 3 Computer Labs 3 First Aid 4 Gift Shop 4 Housing 4 Locker Registration 4 Parking and Transportation 4 Photocopying and Printing 5 Recreation Centre 5 Security Services 5 Student iD Cards 5 University Reception 5 RRU Online 6 Computer Services 6 MyRRU and MyAdmin 6 Your Computer Account 6 Student Services 7 Aboriginal Relations 7 Alumni Relations 7 Career Enhancement Services 7 Counselling Services 7 Disability Services 8 Financial Aid and Awards 8 Financial Services 8 international Student Services 9 Library 10 Ombudsperson 10 Registrar’s O ce 10 Research O ce 10 RRU Student Association 11 Undergraduate Extended Health Care Plan 11 Writing Centre 11 Policies and Regulations 12 Academic Regulations 12 Student Rights and Responsibilities 12 Tuition Refund Policy 13 Sustainability initiatives at RRU 13 Convocation: The Finale! 14 Notes 15 Did you know 15 Local Services 16 Campus Map 17
All times indicated are Paci c Time.
Revised July 2011. Content subject to change.

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