Page 4 - RRU-Convocation-Program_Fall-2020
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Our Vision

                        Inspiring people with the courage to transform the world.
                        Our new strategic vision celebrates our past and looks forward 25 years, with goals and
                        actions crafted to ensure we continue to deliver life-changing education—creating leaders
                        who change the world.

                        Our Goals
                        Any age, any stage, any place: We’re an engine of lifelong learning for students no matter where
                        they are in the world, their careers and their lives.

                        Explore, share, advance: We support interdisciplinary research that pushes boundaries,
                        removes barriers and finds solutions to today’s critical issues.

                        Invite in, venture out: We engage communities locally, nationally and globally—leaning into
                        partnerships, learning from others and warmly welcoming all people.

                        Vibrant and sustainable: We champion a sustainable campus with leading-edge infrastructure
                        and online platforms—one that is a top workplace in Canada and takes action on reconcilia-
                        tion, diversity, equity and inclusion.

                        Our Values
                        CARING A diverse and supportive community for our students, faculty and staff.

                        CREATIVE Innovation in all we do; we continually seek new and better ways to do things.
                        COURAGEOUS Bold in our actions; we welcome challenges and take thoughtful risks.

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