Page 5 - Sustainability Plan
P. 5

We have made great strides in reducing
paper use and will continue to do more.
— Cecelia David, Manager, Computer Services and Helpdesk
In 2011, the IT-Services department at Royal Roads implemented quarterly noti cations of the amount of printing use by staff and faculty. These reminders to staff and faculty have led to a 39 per cent reduction in paper use on campus.
Paper used for campus printers is made up of 30 per cent recycled content. Paper used for special purposes is certi ed by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and made up of 100 per cent recycled content.
Royal Roads students access their course materials, collaborate on course work, submit assignments and receive feedback electronically through Moodle. This online learning platform eliminates the need for printed documents.
Over the next  ve years we, will reduce paper use through social marketing programs targeting single- sided printing, and we will seek out alternative paper products with lower GHG emissions to further reduce the environmental impact associated with paper use on campus.
5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000
50 40 30 20 10
27.97 t CO2 e
2009 2010 2011 Associated GHG Emissions Packages of Paper Used
Indicator: Paper use
Target: 20% less paper use by 2020
30 25 20 15
Paper use (packages) and associated GHG emissions (t CO2 e)
4853 packages
17.02 t CO2 e
2973 packages
Percent of staff using single-sided printing in 2013 based on frequency
All the time
80% of jobs
50% of jobs
20% of jobs
Indicator: Amount of single-sided printing
Target: Reduce single-sided printing to 20% of all jobs for all users by 2020
Paper manufacturing requires inputs of water, fuel and energy, which ultimately release GHGs into the atmosphere. To mitigate these environmental effects, we will reduce our paper use and substitute lower environmental impact paper.
Sustainability Plan 4

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