Page 5 - Royal Roads University Strategic Direction March 2017
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Our students often learn as much from the experience and knowledge of their teammates as they do from the professors.
“My intention going into the MBA program was to get a better understanding of who
I was and how I was going to be in the world...I questioned everything about myself; it felt like being deconstructed.
Throughout the program,
I set out to rebuild myself with my own values, not the values of my parents, my workplace
or society. That gave me con dence as a leader, knowing I could run my business in line with my values and bring
my authentic self to work.”
Jivi Khehra MBA
There are no 500-student classes at our university.
Learning occurs in small teams that support each other throughout the educational experience. In supporting each other’s success, strong bonds and friendships that endure are created. Royal Roads University’s integrated Learning and
Teaching Model de nes the university’s approach to learning, assesses the effectiveness of our programs and is used in the design of new programs that incorporate Royal Roads’ distinctive learning and teaching principles.
Our graduate-level students have already experienced considerable success, which helps inform the learning process. Our professors–sometimes referred to as scholar practitioners–infuse their teaching with their real-world experience. The result is an education grounded in the practical development of a robust network that supports learning beyond graduation. The interplay between personal growth and professional success results in an enduring, life-changing experience.
Royal Roads University’s mandate was established to respond to the dominant long term challenges to competitiveness and to meet current and future workforce needs. The opportunity for Royal Roads is signi cant. The quality of our distinctive academic programming remains the bedrock of our success. We graduate problem solvers in a world searching for solutions and provide programs relevant to the big questions being asked in contemporary society.
Always forward-looking, we are excited by the prospect of future challenges and opportunities as we continue to respond to the emerging needs of a changing world and workforce.
In China, Taiwan, India, Latin America, the Middle East and elsewhere, knowledge and action are combining, and a new global citizenship is emerging.
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