Page 4 - Contunuing Studies Calendar 2015-2016
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Venerable Visionaries
Join in the largest conversations we can have with each other and with the world led by cultural artisans, leaders in the  eld, elders, artists, activists, poets, philosophers,
and storytellers. Learn alongside those in their mastery who are willing to ask the kinds of courageous questions that, as poet David Whyte says, “have no right to go away”.
These  erce, forward- thinking, fantastically
brave and venerable visionaries live and lead
on the frontiers of their
own lives. Their leadership summons us to step up to our own edges (both inner and outer), and to live out our own deeply creative and unique contributions toward a more life-sustaining and radically possible world.
The Art of Seeing
As one of Canada’s foremost artists and environmental champions, Robert Bateman paints wildlife and nature as
an aesthetic way to express
the particularity of our planet. He urges us to slow down, pay attention, get acquainted and fall in love with nature and in so doing, become the protectors of it for the sake of all future life. All proceeds go to the Salt Spring Conservancy Stewards in Training. There will be a  ne selection of his books for sale and signing.
See bio on page 51.
Length: 2.5 hours
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2015
Time: 1pm-3:30pm
Cost: $20 + applicable taxes
Best to Register by: Fri, Nov 27, 2015
Sowing the Seeds
of Hope
Dr. Goodall will provide insight into the person behind the globe-trotting international icon: a UN Messenger of Peace, Dame of the British Empire, and the subject of countless articles and television programs around the world. She will also discuss the current threats facing the planet and her reasons for hope in these complex times, encouraging everyone in the audience to do their part to make a positive difference each and every day.
Dr. Goodall will also share information about the work
of the Jane Goodall Institute, which continues her pioneering research and celebrated its
35th anniversary in 2012.
Today, the Institute is a
global leader in the effort to protect chimpanzees and
their habitats. It also is widely recognized for establishing innovative community-centered conservation and development programs in Africa, and Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, the Institute’s global environmental and humanitarian youth program. Not to be missed!
See bio on page 55.
Length: Evening event
Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2016
Time: 7-9:30 pm
Location: MacPherson Theatre
Various ticket prices available.
VIP ticketholders will enjoy a meet & greet wine reception Mar 18 with Dr. Goodall and Robert Bateman.
For more information visit our website or call the MacPherson Box Of ce to register 250.386.6121 or Toll-free 1.888.717.6121
Writing Your Heart Out VEVI017
Experience this unique opportunity to explore your deep desire nature: investigate in writing your passions, your loves, your losses, and your deepest longings. What do you long for? What really moves you? How have your losses

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